If anyone wants to know about this 'Greg Park' I will give it to you.
He studied under GM Tae M. Kwon in Torrance. GM Kwon was one of the few students of the students of the founder of Hapkido (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong). From my understanding and conversation with GM Kwon, Greg (if my memories serve me correctly) did not even make it to black belt. You can always call to confirm the sources.
As for his teaching. His methods were repetitive and lacks correct movement. You can take his class for a couple years and you would learn more advancing 3-5 belts in a Hapkido school. He mocks you if you dont follow his religion. He teaches at a park called Alondra Park right by El Camino College in Torrance, CA. Other than a few locks he demonstrates, his skills are questionable. If you show any sign that you arent on his side, he burns you out completely. I remember kids who started their own little ninja clans and were banned from ever even speaking to him and if they did speak to him he was cold and rude. Call me a liar if you want Greg Park, I seen you countless times with your friend who does that wing chun. I see Gardena and Torrance enough. He is a hypocrite when it comes to teaching, and following his rules lead you no where except with a bunch of useless equipment because you are a beginner and he wants to cram foundation and weapons.
Anyone from SoCal, if you are around the SouthBay area. Go to Alondra Park and ask even officers or random people about the martial art class being taught. You can find him.
This guy was a real prick. He false claims a lot as well.
Oh and another note, as for his teaching assistants, they can get a blackbelt from him within a month if they suck up to him enough.
His belt system is utterly stupid. I have seen so many people get blackbelts within not even a years time period.
Anyone who knows or has trained with Greg Park knows this, and if you wanna bullshit more, why not demonstrate some moves you learned and have a free spar. Afterall having a black belt means you have at least grasps the foundation of the basics.
彼はカリフォルニア州トーランスのTae M Kwon(クォン・テマン)師範の元で修行していた。クォン師範はハプキドー創始者の数少ない孫弟子の中の一人だ。(私はそう信じている。もし間違いであれば教えてくれ) クォン師範とのやりとりや私の理解によれば、(私の記憶が確かならば)グレッグは黒帯さえ取れなかったようだ。そのソースはいつでも確認できる。
彼の教えに関して。彼の手法は猿真似で正しい動作を欠いている。[彼のもとで2年ほど費やせば、一般的なハプキドー教室における3~5級程度以上のことが学べるだろう。] もし彼の信条にあなたが従わなければ、彼はあなたを無視するようになる。彼はトーランス市のエル・カミノ・カレッジのすぐそばにあるアロンドラ・パークという公園で教えている。彼の披露する技は、いくつかの固め技をのぞいていかがわしいものだ。彼に味方しない素振りを少しでも見せれば、彼はあなたにひどく辛く当たるようになる。ある子供たちが、自分たちだけで小さなニンジャグループを始めたところ、彼と会話することすら禁じられてしまった事を覚えている。話しかけようとしても、彼は冷たく無礼にふるまった。グレッグ、私のことを嘘つきと呼びたければ呼べばいい。君が、例の詠春拳の使い手と一緒にいるところを何度も見たよ。ガーディナやトーランスにも何度も行った。指導の際の彼は偽善者だ。彼の教えに従った先に待っているものは、あなたの手元に残る役に立たない大量の武具のみだ。彼は武器の扱いを詰め込みたがるが、あなたは初心者なので使いこなせないからだ。