
Korean King Ordered “Comfort Women” for His Troops

King Seojong 18th year, 17th December

(The King) sent the following instructions to the Governor of Hangil Province:
“In the past, prostitutes were sent to camps on the frontier to service soldiers without wives. It had a long history. Even now government giseangs are stationed at frontier camps and administrative posts to service travellers. Moreover, on the northern frontier we have large camps, including Gyeongwon, Hoiryeong, and Gyeonseong, which are in your province. Troops guarding the frontier are far from their families and must endure two (years) of cold and heat, making their daily duties even more difficult; therefore, I think it is appropriate to station prostitutes to service the troops.”

世宗18年(1436年)  12月 17日

古者邊鎭置娼妓, 以待軍士之無妻者, 其來尙矣。 今者邊鎭州郡, 亦置官妓, 以待行客, 況道內慶源、會寧、鏡城等邑, 本國巨鎭, 居北極邊, 戍禦軍士, 遠離家室, 再經寒暑, 日用細事, 亦且難矣。 設妓女以待士卒, 庶合事宜。


